Microsoft HoloLens: Changing the Future of Communication

Microsoft recently came out with an augmented-reality headset they have named the HoloLens. The technology allows for 3D images to appear within and visually interact with things in the real world. This has incredible implications for the future of communications.

The technology is not perfected yet, but I see this making a huge impact on how we conduct business. This would be a huge innovation for the business world. Virtual meetings would be so much more realistic. This could also help businesses make more compelling proposals for business ideas and with little to know room for misunderstanding. This is also a powerful marketing tool because it will allow potential buyers or investors to see a virtual rendition of the product in a very real context.

A specific example of a company already using the HoloLens to market products is Lowes. They use it to show how a space will look after a remodel. As someone who is currently undergoing a remodel, I think this would be incredibly useful. It is often hard for me to imagine what something will look like until it is done, so being able to have a virtual image projected to show what a certain floor would look like will make a huge impact on how companies can market their products.

Teaching technical skills would be so much easier using the HoloLens; students could project the virtual image wherever is convenient for them so they can view it and see how it corresponds to the thing they are actually working on. For instance, learning how to change a tire would be so much easier if you could watch someone changing a tire on the freeway while you are also doing it.

Also, how students are taught medicine could vastly change with these augmented-reality goggles. Students not only can visualize say, a heart, but can manipulate it to see what will happen without actually causing any damage.

Because the HoloLens is internet capable, it can communicate with other HoloLens devices and therefore two people using the HoloLens can collaboratively experience an augmented reality. This means that two people could work on a project together using the HoloLens, such as engineering a bridge and they can build the plans together.

One of the big ways this will change communication is through shopping. People will be able to do more shopping online without any problems. Now, buying a couch online is a little bit of a gamble. Will it really look good in the space? With the HoloLens, a holographic image of the couch could be shown right where you intend to put it and take away that question. I think this means there will be less need for brick and mortar stores. Online shopping is already so much more convenient, now it will be even safer than before.

The technology that produced the HoloLens will only improve and cause increased changes. At some point in the future, it may be that businesses don’t even need any kind of office spaces, that all work will be conducted virtually. Until then, at least the HoloLens will make for some really great gaming, shopping, and communication advancements.

For more information, please look and


  1. This is so fascinating. I have never heard of it. I think it is so cool that businesses such as Lowe's are already using it in such an effective way. I agree that this type of technology would leave room for a lot less misunderstanding or miscommunication, because the visual is all right there. Great job this is a well written and informative page about how the HoloLense has an influence on communication.

  2. This is honestly the coolest idea and I can not wait until it is available to the public. I really do believe that this could help out communication in so many ways. I especially know I can use it becuase there are so many times when i am trying to describe something and I wish that there was a picture infront of me to help describe it.

  3. What a cool invention! I have never previously heard about this. You did a really good job in explaining the product and showing the exact ways in how it will be beneficial in our world. I also liked how you included the example of Lowes who is already using this technology. Great post!


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