Online Reputation


TO:                  Kaylee England

FROM:             Emily Heaton

CC:                   Preston Parker

Date:               Sept. 26, 2017

RE:                   Online Reputation

According to Kaylee’s Facebook page, she is currently a student at Utah State University and works at both Integra Financial and is a teller at America First Credit Union. One can assume she is trustworthy if she has been employed twice to work at financial institutions. She also mentions that she graduated from Fremont High School. According to her Facebook pictures, she clearly likes adventure. She is pictured skydiving and enjoying the ocean.

It was also on her Facebook page I started finding evidence of her love of children. This conclusion was supported when I came upon her personal blog. It shared her adventure teaching children in the Dominican Republic for a semester during 2015. Along with the impact this experience had on Kaylee, she is clear that family is important to her. She details a visit with her parents and shares how much she cares for them. She also talks about attending the temple, so one can assume she is active in the LDS church. According to her blogger profile, she likes reading, summer, sports, outdoors, and ice cream.

Another recurring theme in her blog is her love of fitness. She likes to stay active and appreciates the benefits that come with that.

From here, I was guided to her LinkedIn Profile where I found more evidence to support her trustworthiness: She also was a Billing Representative at Vivint Smart Home. She also taught at the International Language Program in Provo. I can only assume it was through this program she came to teach in the Dominican Republic.

Also, according to LinkedIn, she also has been involved in charities and likes to help others be healthier. She is majoring in Health Education and Promotion, and minoring in Communication Studies. Her emphasis is on prevention. She wants people to figure out how to stay healthy before they have the chance to get sick. She is currently looking for an internship to help businesses implement employee wellness plans. I conclude she is compassionate and cares deeply for others.

Kaylee England has a wonderful online reputation. She presents herself as hard-working and compassionate. I found nothing that would make me question hiring her as an employee. She is constantly trying to improve herself and the world around her. She is willing to go out of her comfort zone and do hard things.


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