
Showing posts from February, 2018

Social Media Case 6: Basketball Cop

I have this sneaking suspicion that the world is always looking for something inspiring to grab onto. So I was not surprised when the Basketball Cop video went viral, and even caught the attention of Shaquille O-Neal. This is what happened: in January 2016 a police officer in Gainsville, Florida received a noise complaint. When he went to investigate, he realized that there was nothing illegal happening, but instead it was a group of kids playing basketball. Instead of scolding or threatening them and driving off, he instead took the opportunity to play with them. Yup, that is right: He got right in there and played some basketball with these kids. Of course the masses loved this.   It didn’t take long for the video to go viral. With all the negative interactions between law enforcement and the community, especially black people, everyone was excited to see something uplifting. According to this article , it became a national project to improve the relationships between

Reflection on Social Media Case 5: Paypal Deleted Comments

The year, 2011 was winding down and kids were counting down the days until Christmas. Their parents and other generous adults were looking for ways to help make the holidays a little better for the underserved in society. A gaggle of humans who followed Regretsy, a satirical blog by April Winchell, decided to donate to a fundraising campaign she set up to help people who were struggling to make ends meet. But then PayPal did something they would regret. And then did something else they would also regret, followed by one more regretful decision. I am sure you are asking why a company would make so many regretful decisions right after another. I am too. But I didn’t come here to give you answers, but merely facts. And these are the 3 facts, which will now be known as the 3 Bad Decisions of PayPal in December 2011: Early December, 2011: PayPal decided to shut down the charity drive on Regretsy. (And told Regretsy to return all the money to the donors. I know, that part alone

Reflection on Social Media Case 4: Nestle’s “Funner Menu Options”

Nestle had a great idea: They wanted to stand out so the made a phone menu option that was simply for kicks. It went something like this: “Welcome, from Nestle. For Pig Latin, esprey eethay asteriskway eekay; For calorie information, press or say 1; If it is allergy ingredient information you need, press or say 2 To speak to a representative, press or say 0; For nutritional information on our chocolate treats, press or say 3; For a knock-knock joke and other ‘funner options’, press or say 4; [Press 4] Please listen carefully as our ‘funner menu options’ have changed; To hear a knock-knock joke, press or say 1; | To listen to a backyard game of catch, press or say 2; For bubble wrap, press or say 3; For a cannon ball off the diving board, press or say 4; To hear me give a noogey to the operator next to me, press or say 5; To hear a boy express his affection to the girl he likes, press or say 6; For information about cooties, press or say, 7; To

Reflection on Social Media Case 3: Tom Petty’s “Death” and Death

Fans of Tom Petty received some devastating news on October 2, 2017 at 1:00 PM: He had died from cardiac arrest as reported by the Los Angeles Police Department and confirmed to CBS News. The tributes swept the internet. Fans were sad to lose a legend. But wait, at 1:41 PM on October 2, 2017, just 41 minutes after CBS’s report, TMZ posted the following via Twitter: “UPDATE At this time, Tom’s still clinging to life. A report that LAPD confirmed the singer’s death is inaccurate.” It wasn’t long before the internet was abuzz with confusion. Was Tom Petty dead or not? Tom Petty’s daughter, AnnaKim called out the Rolling Stones magazine, stating , “My dad is not dead yet but your f***ing magazine is.” She had a right to be angry; she was trying to cope with the reality of a parent who was dying. She and her mother confirmed Tom Petty died later that day at 8:40 PM. Instead of being able to mourn their loss, they were bombarded by questions of whether their loved one was dead and w