Reflection on Social Media Case 2: Ellen Degeneres and most Re-Tweeted Photo

In 2014, Ellen DeGeneres posted a selfie with a slew of celebrities after the academy awards with the intent to get it break the record for number of retweets. And it did. Of course it did. Ellen DeGeneres is famous. Everyone in the picture is famous. Everyone that loves Ellen is going to retweet the photo. Everyone that loves Brad Pitt is going to retweet the photo. And then you have her promoting people to retweet the photo on her show. Hence, the photo becomes the most retweeted tweet. Until #NuggsForCarter came along. April 1, 2017 likely happened like any normal day: a kid named Carter wanted some delicious Wendy’s chicken nuggets (which I honestly don’t know if I have ever had). So he asks Wendy’s how many times he would have to be retweeted to get chicken nuggets for a year. They answered him with a number that is really big: 18 million. Wendy’s, COME ON! This kid is only 16. At that point, Ellen Degeneres’ photo still held the record of most retweeted ph...